Bring Christ to everyone we encounter

Bring Christ to everyone we encounter
God’s people Bring Christ to everyone we encounter

This week we hear Jesus lay down a challenge to us.  It is a very direct message that if someone is claiming that they love Jesus and follow him, they had best be living that through actions as well as words because through that, God will be present with them, which is the greatest reward imaginable.

Throughout scripture we hear this message echoed which really emphasizes the importance of keeping the Word of God by living the life we are called to, to live in communion with the Holy Spirit, having hearts on fire with faith and living in a constant pursuit of God.

Jesus says that the Holy Spirit will teach and remind us of what He has said, the other side to that coin is that we need to be open to the Holy Spirit which is alive and active in today’s world.  All we need to do is listen for the Spirit and be willing to following with faith, for with this faith and living with God residing within them has the peace of Jesus that is greater than any peace that the world could ever give.

This call to live by keeping His word is not a wishy-washy call but a call to action and discipleship, to live in a radical, Spirit lead way, bringing Christ to everyone we encounter.  This is the Christ who accepts those who society rejects and the Christ who challenges wrongdoings; Just as Jesus did.

Jesus clearly says that if you love Him, you will keep His word and His father will love you.  This is to say that there is no way that you can truly love Him and not have your actions show it.  A true love of Jesus always will result in a life that is a reflection of that.  There cannot be someone with a love for Jesus that doesn’t reflect that in their actions.

Let us, the Church, take this message into our daily lives.