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An Advent Story – Episode 4: Responding Radically

An Advent Story – Episode 4: Responding Radically
God’s people An Advent Story – Episode 4: Responding Radically

As we make our final preparation to encounter the birth of Jesus, in this final episode of An Advent Story, Michele invites us to reflect on what a radical transformation looks like in the light of the birth of Jesus. It only takes one moment change everything forever. The moment we welcome and encounter Jesus changes our lives, just like Zacchaeus when he encountered Jesus. The true message of Advent is that we need to be ready and to respond.

Episode 4: Responding Radically – is available here:

An Advent Story – Episode 4: Responding Radically – Transcript

Christmas is a season that holds very special memories for me, because on Christmas 2012, my life changed completely. At 9:15pm on Christmas night, my daughter was delivered by emergency caesarean. That night, I almost lost my life as well as the life of my little daughter. She was born at 28 plus 6 weeks gestation. At almost three months early, she really was our Christmas miracle.

Each memory is priceless. Our first family picture together. When her tiny hand curled around her dad’s finger and held on tight. She finally grew a little longer than a water bottle. Finally being allowed to come home with us after three months. Seeing her beautiful smile. All the celebrations that came afterwards. Her first birthday and Christmas, our family holidays and celebrations together. She is still our Christmas miracle.

And then just a few short years later, I lost my father. I remembered him always telling me that I should be working with children. That Christmas, I reflected on the last few years of having her, how much she was thriving and how her educators were absolutely amazing. Then and there, I decided to enrol in my Diploma of Early Childhood Education and Care, and I haven’t looked back since.

Each year I reflect on that Christmas night. Each year I still think back to the moment that we had her. And I know I am truly blessed.

Jesus visited a village where a man named Zacchaeus lived. Zacchaeus was a despised tax collector and was known as a dishonest man who cheated all in the village. Used to being shunned and excluded, he was shocked when he encountered Jesus, who announced that he would be eating at Zacchaeus’ house that evening. This encounter had a profound effect on Zacchaeus. He paid back all the money he had cheated out of people and became a better person. The story Michele shared with us tells of an encounter at Christmas that also had a profound and life-changing effect on her. Through this near-death experience and Christmas miracle, Michele decided to make the most of her life and was motivated to make some big changes. Here lies the true message of Advent. We are waiting and preparing to encounter Jesus at Christmas, one moment that has the potential to radically transform our lives. We just need to be ready and to respond.