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Archbishop Bathersby’s statement of support for peace

Archbishop Bathersby’s statement of support for peace
God’s people Media releases Archbishop Bathersby’s statement of support for peace

Archbishop John Bathersby issued a statement of support to be read at the peace rally in Brisbane last Sunday.

Archbishop Bathersby said:

“Because I know from deep personal experience how war causes emotional and physical suffering to all concerned; whether defence force personnel – their families, friends and loved ones; whether innocent civilians – engulfed in a conflict they desperately do not want, war must always be absolutely the last resort of civilized peoples, used only when every other peaceful solution has failed.

“I am convinced that this has not yet happened in the case of Iraq and am therefore, opposed to armed conflict against that nation.

“I urge world leaders to think again before taking that last drastic step, and I ask all Australians to pray for peace and for the safety and well-being of our defence forces, some of whom are already positioned close to possible future theatres of conflict.”

The statement was read to the crowd assembled in the City Botanic Gardens by Brisbane Lord Mayor Jim Soorley, one of the organizers of the rally with the Queensland Peace Network.

Released by Catholic Communications Office