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Church Leaders encourage attendance at a Service of Prayer in time of drought

Church Leaders encourage attendance at a Service of Prayer in time of drought
God’s people Media releases Church Leaders encourage attendance at a Service of Prayer in time of drought

Church Leaders encourage attendance at a Service of Prayer in time of drought

An Ecumenical Service of Prayer in time of drought, sponsored by the Heads of Churches, will be held at St John’s Anglican Cathedral in the city at 1.00pm on Wednesday, October 23rd.

The service, entitled “Thirsty Ground: Springs of Hope – A Service of Prayer for the Renewal of the Earth”, brings together representatives from all the major Christian churches, as well as the Premier of Queensland, the Honourable Peter Beattie.

Archbishop John Bathersby will deliver a homily at the service.

Christian Leaders strongly encourage all people to attend the service and remember in prayers their brothers and sisters on the land struggling for survival in this time of drought.