Throughout this gospel we hear about how our reward is one that is not a reward of this world. So often we find ourselves caught up in the busyness of our own world.
Our world is so focused on what’s happening right not and gaining instant gratification for any deed that is done, it can be very easy to lose sight of what is important. As humans we can get caught up in making sure we’re at work on time to earn a paycheque, buy a car, own a house, have nice things and the list goes on. While none of these things are intrinsically bad, I can’t help but to have the words of Mary MacKillop run through my mind when she said, “How I wish we would only remember that we are all but travellers here.”
If we are all but travellers in this world; why are we putting our blood, sweat and tears into things that are only of this world? Are we not called to be in the Kingdom of God?
As a society, and as individuals, we need to swift our eyes away from our worldly possessions and towards things of true value.
Our God is not a God who cares about what car you drive, how much money is in your bank account, or how many followers you have on Instagram, but a God who cares if you have been merciful, cares if you are pure in heart, and if you have reached out your hand to someone in need.
Our eyes need to be fixed on something much higher than this world, for the Kingdom of which we belong to is not of this world.