Two-Minute Homily by Dcn Russ Nelson for the Fourth Sunday of Easter 2023.
“Founded on faith, enriched by a good prayer life, we need to understand what Jesus is saying and act on it.”
- Two-Minute Homily Transcript
Two-Minute Homily Transcript
Author: Archdiocese of BrisbaneThis is Good Shepherd Sunday and Psalm 23 is probably the most well-known Psalm. At the core of this Sunday is the statement ‘The voice of the Shepherd is at the heart of the Church’.
Jesus is known as the Good Shepherd because; Firstly, he consistently watches over us, Jesus is vigilant. Secondly, Jesus knew what awaited him in Jerusalem, but in order to save us, he fearlessly went there, even in public. Jesus is courageous. Then thirdly, Saint John’s gospel tells us, that Jesus will ‘lay down my life for my sheep’.
Jesus is willing to offer his life in selfless sacrifice. Next, consider how many times we sin, and yet Jesus constantly looks for us and brings us back to the Father. Jesus is loving. Finally, in Saint John’s gospel Jesus said, “I am the door; if anyone enters, he will be saved, and will go in and out and find pasture.” Jesus is the caring provider.
For the Good Shepherd to be effective, we need to hear his voice. To hear his voice and we need to be open to receiving his message. This means we need the gift of faith, that gift needs to be nourished by a good communication channel with Jesus, which is more commonly referred to as prayer. We need to be able to tell Jesus our troubles and our frustrations, our successes and our joys, our thanks and our hopes for the future.
Founded on faith, enriched by a good prayer life, we need to understand what Jesus is saying and act on it. If we don’t act the Gospel message, are we just sheep rather children of God?