Fr Brian McCoy SJ on ‘When I believe it, I’ll see it’: faith and experience in Ignatian spirituality.
This talk was delivered to the Assembly of Catholic Professionals.
About Fr Brian McCoy SJ
Brian McCoy grew up in Melbourne but has spent most of his Jesuit and priestly life in north Australia and in Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities in Western Australia, Northern Territory and North Queensland.
He was educated in Melbourne by the Loreto Sisters, Marist Brothers and the Jesuits. He entered the Society of Jesus in 1966, was ordained a priest in 1977 and took final vows in 1986. In 2004 he received a Doctorate from The University of Melbourne that focused on the health of Aboriginal men.
He holds Honorary Researcher positions in Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health at The University of Melbourne, La Trobe University, James Cook University (Townsville) and the Telethon Institute for Child Health Research (Perth).
From 2013, he was Director of the Tertianship program for the Australian Jesuit Province while remaining the Assistant to the Jesuit Provincial for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Ministries. He assumed the role of Provincial Superior for the Australian Province in August 2014.