Jesus speaking to us

Jesus speaking to us
God’s people Jesus speaking to us

The readings of today declare the feast of Trinity to us in an outburst of joy and delight. We hear the voice of Wisdom, God’s first gift to the world:

‘From everlasting I was firmly set,
From the beginning, before earth came into being’.

Wisdom even describes her sense of being ‘at play’ in the presence of God and ‘delighting in the human race’. While we’re still trying to absorb this and our awe-struck response in the psalm,

When I see the heavens, the work of your hands And the moon and stars which you arranged’ – we have Paul assuring us that ‘the love of God has been poured into our hearts by the Holy Spirit that has been given to us’!

We then hear Jesus speaking to us from the heart, promising the Spirit of truth who ‘will lead you to the complete truth’.

Over the centuries people have struggled to find an image that gives a satisfactory expression to the Trinity, this vital reality of our faith. We describe it truly as ‘three Persons in One God’ but how do these words speak to u? Do they really help our inner life?

There is a prayer that begins,

‘Father all-powerful, Christ Lord and Saviour, Spirit of Love,
You reveal yourself in the depths of our being,
Drawing us to share in your life and your love’.

These words are clear that we are being drawn into the infinite mystery of the inner life of God. This lies beyond the normal experience of our busy-living days and nights with their problems to solve, bills to pay, tasks to complete, timetables to fill. And yet we are trinitarian people and therefore never alone. We carry the God of truth and love within us at all times.

How is this reality enabling me to be open, to be trusting? When do I pause to be grateful for the beauty around me, for my family or friends, for the many small signs of love I take for granted?

Let us open ourselves to the wonderful reality with us!