Kids Ideas for Pentecost

Kids Ideas for Pentecost
God’s people Kids Ideas for Pentecost

Pentecost marks the birth of the Church. 2000 years ago, the Holy Spirit fell upon the disciples and empowered and equipped them with the gifts that they were going to need to take the Gospel far and wide. 

The Holy Spirit came for everyone. We have created a few resources to help children celebrate and engage in your parishes and communities.

The ‘Holy Spirit History’ booklet helps children learn about the Holy Spirit’s presence throughout history, from Creation, to Jesus, to Pentecost and to us today as the Holy Spirit is always at work! The Holy Spirit bunting includes the names of the Gifts of the Spirit found in the book of Isaiah and will help add an atmosphere of celebration to your children’s space. This resource includes templates also so that you can include Gifts of the Spirit listed in the New Testament as well! Both these resources are available for free download here. 

We hope these help to make this a special celebration for the children in your parish or community and we pray that you experience the presence of the Holy Spirit in a new and amazing way this Pentecost too.