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Major poetry prize for Brisbane Catholic student

Major poetry prize for Brisbane Catholic student
God’s people Major poetry prize for Brisbane Catholic student

A Brisbane Catholic Education student has been awarded First Place in the Lower Primary section of the 2022 Dorothea Mackellar Poetry Competition.

Sarah Savage, a Year 3 student from St Elizabeth’s Catholic Primary School in Tarragindi, journeyed to a national presentation ceremony in Gunnedah to accept her prize and, alongside winners from other divisions across the country, celebrate their poetic achievements. Sarah’s prize for her captivating poem entitled Clash! included her transport to the 2022 National Presentation ceremony, $300, a trophy, a book voucher and national promotion of her poem.

Conquering challenging pieces of music in her role as a talented percussionist in both the Junior and Senior St Elizabeth’s School Bands, Sarah wanted to share her love of percussion with others in a creative way. Co-Judges for the Dorothea Mackellar Poetry Awards commented, ‘Sarah’s poem was unique, giving voice to the instruments in the percussion with astute observations and excellent use of dialogue, rhymes and onomatopoeia’.

St Elizabeth’s Principal Jenna Webb said: “The achievement was remarkable and testimony to Sarah’s incredible work ethic and mentoring by her class teachers.”

“Considering there were thousands of entries in this prestigious competition, Sarah’s achievement is very special,” she said.

“Sarah worked so diligently on this piece and her award is so well deserved. Everyone in the St Elizabeth’s community is very proud of her efforts”

Each year, a number of keen writers at St Elizabeth’s enter the Dorothea Mackellar Poetry Competition, the longest running annual poetry competition for school-aged children in Australia.

Principal Webb added “to have a student acknowledged in this way is extremely exciting. Her amazing achievement will certainly inspire many other students in our school community to continue writing and to strive for excellence in their creative endeavours.

This was Sarah’s poem:


By Sarah Savage

Who’s the best percussion instrument in the band?

The very best across the land?

Oooh that’s me! shouted Tall Timpani.

I can be tuned and come in pairs.

Play me loud if you dare!

Boing! Bong!

Silly timpani! yelled Big Bass Drum.

I’m the loudest – can’t you see?

Everyone is afraid of me!


Enough bragging, bass! Ugh – so typical! sighed sassy Glimmering Glockenspiel.

Obviously I’m the very best,

And way more magical than the rest!


Hahaha I’m way more sassy than you! smirked Twinkling Triangle.

I’m named after my shape and my sound is sweet.

I’m so high-pitched, just tap to the beat!


You’re so simple and monotone! stated Sly Snare.

I keep the rhythm to keep us all in time.

I’m the best even though you shine!

Rat tat!

You’re all unique in your own way! declared Conductor Clough.

Together you sound as beautiful as a diamond in the rough!

I know who’s the best and it’s none of you.

It’s the marvellous musicians, that’s who!