Two-Minute Reflection by Dcn Ivan and Liliana Ortiz for the Nineteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time 2024.
“The bread of life truly comes down from heaven, let us appreciate it and praise Jesus for the daily gift of the Eucharist available to us so that we may live forever.”
- Two-Minute Reflection Transcript
Two-Minute Reflection Transcript
Author: Archdiocese of Brisbane
My name is Ivan Ortiz, I’m a Permanent Deacon. This is my wife Liliana.We have three beautiful boys. It seems like it was yesterday when our lives were consumed with changing nappies, being sleep deprived, learning to be parents but amazed at the miracle of life and grateful for God’s gifts to us.
We were blessed with the opportunity that Lili could breast feed our kids. I was amazed at God’s magnificent design that my wife’s body could produce maternal milk that for the first months was enough sustenance for the kids.
As good as this was for the physical health of our babies, when they were growing up we knew that they needed other foods for a proper development and also spiritual nourishment. Like children, we also need this spiritual food. Jesus, the bread of life, is the spiritual sustenance that we all need.
And here we are in awe, gratitude and worship to the words of Jesus Christ who reminds us today, I am the bread of life, this bread that I shall give is my flesh, eat it so you will live forever. Isn’t it amazing? Out of bread and wine through the consecration at the altar, we are invited to nourish from Jesus’ blood and flesh.
Let us all be attentive to our Lord who invites us today, ‘This is my Body’, the body that is given to us as we approach Holy Communion. This bread of life truly comes down from heaven, let us appreciate it and praise Jesus for the daily gift of the Eucharist available to us so that we may live for ever.