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The cost of discipleship

The cost of discipleship
God’s people The cost of discipleship

This gospel reading is part of a larger discourse in which Jesus is instructing His disciples before sending them out to proclaim the Gospel.

Today Jesus speaks about the cost of discipleship and the radical commitment required to follow Him. He emphasizes the primacy of one’s love for God over all other relationships and attachments. This passage challenges us to examine the depth of our commitment to Jesus and the implications it has on our lives.

Jesus begins by saying, “Whoever loves father or mother more than me is not worthy of me; and whoever loves son or daughter more than me is not worthy of me.” These words may seem harsh at first, but Jesus is not advocating for the abandonment of family or neglecting our responsibilities. Rather, He is emphasizing the importance of prioritizing our relationship with Him above all else. Our love for God should be so profound that it influences and informs all our other relationships and commitments.

Jesus goes on to say, “Whoever does not take up the cross and follow me is not worthy of me. Whoever finds his life will lose it, and whoever loses his life for my sake will find it.” Here, Jesus speaks of the necessity of self-sacrifice and the willingness to endure difficulties for the sake of the Gospel. Taking up the cross means embracing the challenges, persecutions, and sacrifices that may come with living out our faith. It requires a willingness to let go of our own desires, comforts, and even our lives if necessary. In doing so, we find true life in Christ.

This reading finishes with Jesus highlighting the importance of receiving His disciples and those who proclaim the Gospel. He assures His followers that even the smallest act of kindness and hospitality towards a brother or sister in Christ will not go unnoticed by God. When we support and encourage those who bear witness to Christ, we become participants in the mission and share in the rewards of their labour.

As Catholics, this gospel reflection calls us to reflect on the depth of our love and commitment to Jesus. It challenges us to evaluate whether we are willing to put Him above all else, even our closest relationships. It reminds us that being a disciple of Christ requires sacrifice and a willingness to embrace the difficulties that may arise. It also encourages us to support and show hospitality to those who proclaim the Gospel, knowing that our actions contribute to the work of God’s Kingdom.

Ultimately, this passage reminds us that our faith in Jesus should be transformative and all-encompassing. It should shape every aspect of our lives and influence how we relate to others. By embracing the radical call to discipleship, we discover the true joy and fulfilment that comes from following Christ wholeheartedly.