Two-Minute Homily by Fr Tom Elich for the Twenty-First Sunday in Ordinary Time 2023.
“We can never know the mind of God, but we can stand in awe before the great mystery.”
- Two-Minute Homily Transcript
Two-Minute Homily Transcript
Author: Archdiocese of Brisbane
I have great respect for those who are seeking who are looking for something more in their life. For those who are not content with day-to-day events and distractions in their life. Jesus’ discussion with his disciples touches on this today. What are people saying about me? Who do they think I am? And the disciples’ response suggests that this is a topic of discussion and some thought. Some say John the Baptist, some Elijah, or Jeremiah or another one of the prophets. What would we say if we were asked that question? It would be great to think that we would answer with Peter, with great faith and insight, you are the Christ, the Son of the living God!But I often wonder. If I knew Jesus as he was then and knocked about with him, would I have been able to make such a profession of faith? After all, he had dusty feet! I think people of faith and those who are searching have got a lot in common. We are both reaching for something ‘beyond’, beyond our experience, beyond our knowledge. And that’s what we say when we use the Fourth Eucharistic Prayer. Remember now, we pray, those who take part in this offering, that is, those who are gathered here before you, your entire people, and all who seek you with a sincere heart. I’d venture to suggest that many of you, many among your family and friends, will be seekers.
Today’s readings urge you not to give up the exploration. Because with the guidance and light of the Holy Spirit, it is possible, as Saint Paul says, to embark on an extraordinary adventure. How rich are the depths of God, how deep God’s wisdom and knowledge. We can never know the mind of God, but we can stand in awe before the great mystery. To God be glory for ever. Amen!