Two-Minute Reflection by Grace Harwood for the Twenty-Second Sunday in Ordinary Time 2024.
“God’s constant intent is to draw us into living, loving relationship. God gave us lots of Mitzvahs, but they were designed to help us live as well as we can.”
- Two-Minute Reflection Transcript
Two-Minute Reflection Transcript
Author: Archdiocese of Brisbane
Recently, my little granddaughter who is in year two, came home from school talking about Mitzvahs. She excitedly rattled off a series of things, and once we’d actually settled her enough to actually understand what she was talking about, we realised that she had not only nailed the details, she had the important message down pat.Mitzvahs or commandments, she called rules. There are 613 she said. Things like ‘visiting someone who is sick’ and ‘giving to those who don’t have enough’. All very true. And then she went on to say, it’s about everyone being in relationship with God and everyone else and caring for the world around them. I was gobsmacked. Out of the mouths of babes came deep wisdom. She had found her way to the key to the Mitzvahs or commandments.
Today’s readings remind us that God’s constant intent is to draw us into living, loving relationship. Yes, God gave us lots of Mitzvahs, but they were designed to help us live as well as we can. They were an invitation to journey intimately with the God who wants nothing but the best for all of us. Legalism isn’t spirituality. It’s about nurturing a living relationship that is key to our spiritual life. It’s life-giving and it makes us whole, and in this way we thrive. We live what we are created for, relationship with God.