Explaining your faith and why you stick with isn’t something we’re often asked. These Brisbane Catholics do it with ease.
Thank you to:
- Jo Hayes
- Paul Antenucci
- Steph Unger
- Ryan Andrews
- Carrie McCormack
- Derek Pingel
- Betty Graver
- Transcript
Author: Archdiocese of Brisbane
I really see the Catholic Church as a big family. Anywhere I go in Australia, or around the world, it’s such a beautiful thing to enter a catholic church, and feel like I’m home.Being Catholic allows you to connect to a large group of people, both locally and internationally, who have similar values and beliefs. Being connected allows you to ask genuine questions and seek genuine answers to some of life’s biggest questions.
One of the beautiful aspects of being Catholic is that we are all part of the Body of Christ. This means that when we receive the Eucharist we are actually connected to every Catholic all around the world who has ever walked and will ever walk the earth.
I believe that we all have a desire to live a life that is fulfilling and gives hope to those around us. For me, I desire to be a part of a community that I know challenges me to a higher standard of myself.
Being Catholic looked completely different to me once I had kids. The usual experience of prayer and going to Mass was completely challenged. Being Catholic has transformed our family life into a sacred and adventurous journey.
I’m Catholic because I have a true sense of daily guidance through the Bible, its teachings, instructions and examples which ultimately provides me a blueprint for my daily life.
I love being part of a church with such a long and rich history of sharing the love of Jesus with humanity.
Being a part of the Catholic community helps us develop core values to be guided by, a personal relationship with God and relationships with others who help us to be our very best.
Being Catholic means that you are not walking the journey of faith alone but right beside each other and there is a great comfort and joy in this sense of belonging.
It’s when I am taking part within the sacraments, and being conscious of God in everything I do, I know that I am accepted and loved at that very moment.
I love being Catholic. It is something very special between me and God.