A look at the important role of young people in today’s Catholic community.
Thank you to:
- Paul Antenucci
- Donna Power
- Ryan Andrews
- Imogen Wilson
- Mark Doyle
- Transcript
Author: Archdiocese of Brisbane
Young people have a vital role in the Church. There is an energy that comes with being young which gives life to all members of the community.Each young person is a special gift from God to the Church family to be respected and cherished.
Young people are a part of the Church and because the Church has a mission, young people don’t just play a role in the Church but they share that mission.
In a particular way, young people are in touch with modern culture and can help the Church find new and creative ways to share the message of Jesus in a such a way that today’s secular culture can understand.
Young people are invited to bring their unique energy to the call placed on all the Christian faithful, which is to help the Church fulfil her deepest identity, which is evangelisation. And in a special way, young people are called into the ‘new evangelisation’ to minister to their peers, to other young people; to speak their language and make new, relevant and authentic to them the Gospel message.
The future of the church simply depends on an active community of young people today.
Young people are inspirational, open-hearted, vulnerable, creative, intelligent and deeply compassionate. They are Good News for the Church.
Whatever it may be, there is a giftedness that young people bring to the mission of our Church and it’s important that we continue to guide and support young people into becoming stewards of the Good News.
Young people provide a “freshness” to ask important questions as they grow in relationship with God and this challenges older members to continue to be their best.
Young people are called to bring light and hope to the older generation, by exercising their leadership and simply by being who they are.
The church needs the zest, the flair and the passion of young people as it continues to reveal God’s love to the world.