Ten years ago, Pope Francis’ Laudato Si’ awakened our hearts to the cry of the Earth. This powerful document calls us to be stewards of God’s creation and defenders of our common home. Alice invites us to join in a prayerful response to embracing integral ecology and answering the urgent plea to care for our Earth, God’s precious gift to humanity. As we reflect on our role in caring for the planet, let’s also take action by participating in Clean Up Australia Day on March 2 and throughout the year, to make a tangible difference in our communities.
Hi, my name is Alice. Prior to this year, I was the Catholic Earthcare Coordinator for Caritas Australia, and am now a mission and formation team member for the Edmund Rice Christian Brothers Province. But in this place, the Warril Parkland located in the south of Jagera Country, I am Forestdale bushcarer, helping to regenerate habitat so that our fellow beings such as the sugar glider, can thrive in their environment. I would like to pay my respect to the elders who have walked and cared for this land and the Budela-budela lake, named after the tusked frog. This year marks the ten year anniversary of the release of Pope Francis’ encyclical Laudato Si’. Not only do we celebrate this anniversary, but we are reminded of our call to care for our common home. I invite you to take a moment to consider the place that you are in. To acknowledge the land, waters and people, before we begin to pray.
In the name of God our Creator, Jesus Christ, and the Holy Spirit.
God our Creator, we thank You for continuous outpouring of love through Your creative wisdom. Help us to see Your presence in all beings, from the tiny green ant, to the soaring eagle. Jesus, You taught us how to care for our common home and how to care for the poor. Be with us as we continue to live Your mission. Grant us the strength to advocate for justice, ensuring all communities of human and non-human beings, can flourish in harmony. Holy Spirit, come. Fill our hearts with Your wisdom and compassion, guiding us in our efforts to protect and restore the beauty of this land. Inspire us to walk gently upon Earth, nurturing and honouring its interconnectedness. We pray for the wisdom to heed Pope Francis’ call in Laudato Si’, to cherish the gift of creation and to be stewards of its abundance. May we be mindful of the elders who have cared for this land before us, and may we learn from their wisdom as we work together for a sustainable future. Amen.