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Archbishop Mark Coleridge’s Easter Message

Archbishop Mark Coleridge’s Easter Message
God’s people Archbishop Mark Coleridge Archbishop Mark Coleridge’s Easter Message

There’s something awfully final about a grave or a tomb.  When the tomb of Jesus was sealed with a big round stone, that stone must have seemed like a cosmic full-stop.  The party was over.  The world is full of what seem like full-stops – situations that seem hopeless.  Easter says that there’s no such thing as an ultimately hopeless situation, that every full-stop is in fact a comma or perhaps a dash.

That’s why Easter is the womb of true human hope – the hope that born once Jesus rises from the dead and the tomb itself becomes a womb as the stone rolls away.  May the undying hope of Easter reach deep into the life of everyone, especially those struggling most to find hope in what seems a hopeless situation.  Jesus Christ is risen.  Alleluia!

Most Rev Mark Coleridge

Archbishop of Brisbane

April 17, 2014