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Asia Earthquake Appeal – Caritas says thank you

Asia Earthquake Appeal – Caritas says thank you
God’s people Media releases Asia Earthquake Appeal – Caritas says thank you

Today, a month after the earthquake which devastated South East Asia, Caritas Australia wishes to thank all those who have donated to the relief effort.

$9 million in donations has been received so far and further donations are still expected.

Caritas Australia is currently a leading organisation in the International Caritas network response to the disaster.

This support is being delivered through our long-term partners in affected countries, including: Jesuit Refugee Service (JRS) Indonesia and Catholic Relief Services (CRS) in Indonesia; Caritas Sri Lanka – SEDEC – in Sri Lanka; Caritas India in India; the Catholic Office for Emergency Relief and Refugees (COERR) in Thailand and other programs of the Catholic Church in Thailand.

Our key responses to the disaster and our on-going activities include:

  • Emergency health assistance to around 50,000 affected families in Sri Lanka; 100 relief camps covering 125,000 people in Thailand; and 44,500 families or 222,500 people in India.
  • Supply of clean drinking water to 457,000 displaced people in Indonesia; 100 relief camps covering 125,000 people in Thailand around 50,000 affected families in Sri Lanka; and 44,500 families or 222,500 people in India.
  • Supply of sanitation items to: displaced people in Banda Aceh and along the west coast of Indonesia; 100 relief camps covering 125,000 people in Thailand and 222,500 people in India.
  • Provision of relief including food and non-food items to: 80,000 people in Indonesia; 100 relief camps covering 125,000 people in Thailand; around 50,000 affected families in Sri Lanka; and 44,500 families or 222,500 people in India.
  • Provision and construction of interim shelters for: around 10,000 households in Indonesia; around 50,000 affected families in Sri Lanka; for 22,500 displaced families in India.
  • Focus on the immediate and ongoing psycho-social needs in Thailand for at least 3,000 affected families, and trauma counselling already beginning in Sri Lanka

Caritas Australia will participate in further situation assessments in Sir Lanka in early February.

In Indonesia, Caritas Australia will place a shelter person in-country as part of the assessment and design stage for a shelter program on the west coast for 10,000 households. We will also establish a local management structure that draws upon our shelter experience in East Timor.

Caritas Australia expects to place a Coordinator in Medan, Indonesia for a 12 month period to assist with the liaison between Caritas partners.

Many of the affected countries are existing priority areas for Caritas Australia’s long-term development work, with well-established local partnerships already in place. Caritas Australia’s work in the post-disaster stage will be conducted through our local partners. This will be mainly rehabilitation and reconstruction work which will continue for many years, in some cases up until to 2010.

In February Caritas Australia will start raising funds for Project Compassion, the largest fund-raising appeal for overseas aid and development in Australia.

Released by Caritas Australia