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Brisbane man appointed ACBC’s Senior Youth Ministry Projects Officer

Brisbane man appointed ACBC’s Senior Youth Ministry Projects Officer
God’s people Media releases Brisbane man appointed ACBC’s Senior Youth Ministry Projects Officer

A young father with 15 years experience in youth ministry around Australia has been appointed to take up the new position as Senior Youth Ministry Projects Officer with the Bishops Commission for Pastoral Life.

Malcolm Hart, who is currently working in youth ministry in the Brisbane Archdiocese, will take up the three-year appointment in the New Year.

Bishop Joseph Grech of the Bishops Commission for Pastoral Life said he was delighted with Malcolm’s appointment.

“Malcolm is very well versed and well equipped for this position both professionally and personally,” Bishop Grech said. “Most importantly, he has the heart and the desire to work with youth ministry and on top of that he has excellent experience and comes highly recommended.”

Malcolm began work in 1994 in the Diocese of Bunbury in Western Australia working for the Young Christian Students Movement and then in Diocesan Youth Ministry. He moved to the Archdiocese of Brisbane in 1999 and joined Parish Youth Ministry Services assisting Parishes to train both young people and adults in youth ministry leadership roles, develop support structures for ongoing ministry with young people, develop resources for parish youth ministry and assist in the support of Archdiocesan events.

He has participated in or had a pilgrimage leadership role in the previous five World Youth Days in Paris, Rome, Toronto, Cologne and Sydney. He is currently the Executive Officer of the Australian Network of Diocesan Youth Ministry Coordinators (ANDYMC) and member of the Australian Catholic Youth Council (ACYC).

Malcolm said it was an exciting opportunity, which would also have its challenges.

“My initial focus will be to work with the Australian Catholic Youth Council (ACYC) to implement strategies suggested by over 300 youth ministers at the recent Youth Leaders Gathering in November,” Malcolm said.

“There is a lot of work to be done if we are to continue to support ministry with young people after World Youth Day 2008. I believe my experience and existing networks in youth ministry around Australian will assist to develop this role and create a sustainable environment for youth ministry,” Malcolm said.

“The Australian Bishops have been very supportive of youth ministry over the past 2 years. The establishment of the ACYC and subsequently the approval of the Youth Leaders Gathering and this new national role show that the Bishops are committed to ministry with young people into the future. Bishop Joseph Grech (chair of the ACYC) has been integral to this ongoing support of youth ministry.

“It is an exciting time in the church as ministry with young people has become a lived priority in many parishes and communities around Australia. It is important to recognise that although WYD08 has generated a significant focus on this vital ministry, we are blessed with a rich history of youth ministry and youth ministers in Australia who, together with this next generation stimulated by the Spirit through WYD08, can set about sharing the message of Jesus Christ in a renewed Church.

Malcolm is married to Rosalie and father to an 18 month old a daughter.

Released by the ACBC