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Catholic Archbishop issues open letter to Australians on The Da Vinci Code

Catholic Archbishop issues open letter to Australians on The Da Vinci Code
God’s people Media releases Catholic Archbishop issues open letter to Australians on The Da Vinci Code

The Catholic Church in Australia has issued an open letter to people interested in Dan’s Brown work of fiction, the Da Vinci Code, advising them of the book’s false claims about Jesus and inviting them to learn the truth about the Christian faith.

The letter, from Archbishop Barry Hickey, chairman of the Bishops’ Committee for the Media, was today posted on the website of the Australian Catholic Bishops Conference, ahead of the May release of the Da Vinci Code movie.

Archbishop Hickey says that those who have read the Da Vinci Code might have followed some of the controversy it has stoked regarding the true nature of Jesus Christ and the Church that he founded.

“In short, the book and the subsequent movie are works of fiction,” he says.

“But the author, Dan Brown has worked his fiction in and around certain historical people and events, making it confusing for many people.

“Much of what it presents as fact is simply untrue. In fact, the central claim of the book is without any historical foundation.”

Archbishop Hickey said however, that the Catholic Church in Australia welcomes any interest in Jesus Christ that has been generated by the Da Vinci Code.

The web page offers a compilation of resources to help people navigate their way through any confusion caused by the false claims in the story-line.

“These resources have been gathered from a variety of sources and we hope that through them you will come to know Jesus Christ, the Son of God, who was truly human and truly divine,” Archbishop Hickey said.

“If, as you come to know more about Jesus, you would like to know him in a deeper, more personal way, the Catholic Church would be delighted to walk with you.”

Archbishop Hickey said that in the first instance people could contact the Catholic Enquiry Centre at or contact their local Catholic parish and ask for an appointment to see the parish priest.

Released by the Australian Catholic Bishops’ Conference