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Catholic Church welcomes move to strengthen the institution of Marriage

Catholic Church welcomes move to strengthen the institution of Marriage
God’s people Media releases Catholic Church welcomes move to strengthen the institution of Marriage

The Federal Government’s announcement that it would move to protect the institution of marriage was a welcome affirmation of the special nature of marriage between a man and a woman, a Catholic bishop said today.

Bishop Eugene Hurley, the Chairman of the Bishops’ Committee for the Family and for Life, said the move to define marriage as being between a man and woman was a sensible safeguarding of one of society’s strongest institutions.

“Marriage and family are unique relationships. The commitment of men and women in the institution of marriage and their openness to children is the basis of every society,” Bishop Hurley said.

“While recognising that there are many different relationships in our society, we cannot give them all the same special and sacred status as marriage between a man and woman.

“It is heartening to see bipartisan support for this move which will strengthen and reaffirm the unique status of marriage as it has been traditionally understood by society.

“This strengthening will have important flow-on effects, through the irreplaceable contribution of marriage to our society, especially through the procreation, care and nurture of our children.”

Released by the Bishops’ Committee for Life – Australian Catholic Bishops’ Conference