Christ’s love for us

Christ’s love for us
God’s people Christ’s love for us

He is risen! In today’s Gospel reading, on Easter Sunday, we witness Mary Magdalene and Mary the mother of James venturing to the tomb to visit and anoint Jesus’ body. They see that the stone has been rolled away and the tomb is empty. Encountering an angel, he tells them not to be alarmed because Jesus has risen. He then instructs them to go and tell Jesus’ disciples of this news, and that Jesus will be waiting for them in Galilee.

As we learn and celebrate that Jesus has risen just as he promised, I would like to focus on the important roles Mary Magdalene and Mary the mother of James play in the Jesus story, and what we can learn from their witness.

Two faithful women were the first to learn the news of the Resurrection. Not the King, or the High Priests, or even Jesus’ closest friends, but two women who simply wanted to visit Jesus’ body. This is a beautiful reminder that God uses each of us in our own ways to bring glory to his Kingdom. You do not have to be important, perfect, or special.

Nobody is too small, too broken, too hurt, that God cannot use them for good. The Resurrection reminds us of the power of Christ’s love for us, even though we are broken people. It reminds us that the risen Christ does not focus only on our successes, but rather can use each part of us, brokenness and all, to raise up his Kingdom. He defeated death, and you are good enough. He overcame darkness, and you are good enough. He dispelled fear, and you are good enough! He loves you and he will work through you if you allow him.

Throughout the Lenten season, we have journeyed together towards this moment of encounter with the risen Christ. We have prepared our hearts to receive him throughout our time together in the desert, and today we say ‘Yes!’ as we welcome him in. We proclaim ‘Yes!’ to the power of the Resurrection, ‘Yes!’ to believing in Christ’s powerful love for us no matter our situation, and ‘Yes!’ to allowing Jesus to work in and through us in whatever way is needed to glorify his Kingdom.

Wishing you a very blessed Easter season. Let us be gentle with ourselves and each other.