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Commission Will Continue to Oppose Death Penalty

Commission Will Continue to Oppose Death Penalty
God’s people Media releases Commission Will Continue to Oppose Death Penalty

Brisbane’s Catholic Justice and Peace Commission (CJPC) wishes to express its deep sorrow at the deaths by firing squad this morning of Australians, Andrew Chan and Myuran Sukumaran. It also is saddened by the executions of the citizens of other nations which were carried out at the same time. Our hearts go out to all their families who have suffered so much in recent years and who now have lost their loved ones.

We pray that all those executed may now rest in the peace of our all merciful and loving God’s care.

We remain implacably opposed to use of capital punishment in all circumstances and will continue to work for its abolition in Indonesia and around the world.

We ask that fellow Australians do not seek to punish ordinary Indonesians by boycotting travel to Indonesia or by refusing to donate to emergency aid appeals when natural disasters occur in that country. We ask that Australians show the same mercy and forgiveness that we have been asking Indonesia to show in the case of those sentenced to death.

The Commission has been holding Good Friday prayer vigils in solidarity with Andrew Chan, Myuran Sukumaran and others on death row since 2008. It has also held monthly prayer vigils in collaboration with Corinda-Graceville Parish since 2010. We are committed to continuing this prayerful vigil with all those on death row, whatever their nationality. The next vigil will take place on Tuesday 19 May at 7 p.m. at Christ the King Church, Churchill Street, Graceville.

Work with local community groups seeking the support of all Australians for the global abolition of capital punishment will continue.

The Commission will also explore what support it can give both the Church and community organisations in Indonesia to end the death penalty in their country.


Released by the Catholic Justice and Peace Commission