Important Notice

Tropical Cyclone Alfred will bring strong winds, heavy rain, and possible flooding to Southeast Queensland. Take precautions for safety of yourself and others. Please check with parishes for mass times & local updates.

Feast of Saint Mary of the Cross MacKillop Mass Homily 2022

Feast of Saint Mary of the Cross MacKillop Mass Homily 2022
God’s people Feast of Saint Mary of the Cross MacKillop Mass Homily 2022

Saint Mary of the Cross MacKillop’s Feast Day on August 8 and is always special, gathering as we do with a mix of the Sisters of St Joseph and students from the schools around Brisbane bearing her name. Here is Archbishop Mark Coleridge’s homily from the Mass: “The Catholic Church in this country had to learn what it meant to be Australian, to be something more than a transplanted Church, a Church which really did put down roots in this very different soil….something we are still learning, but in the early stages of our learning Mary MacKillop was a crucial figure…. Mary was neither English nor Irish. She was, as she herself said, an Australian….she had the Antipodes in her blood and understood its strangeness in deep and instinctive ways.”