Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time

Two-Minute Reflection by Dcn Ivan and Liliana Ortiz for the Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time 2025, Year C.

Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time


Liliana and I have shared our passion for Ministry for many years prior to my ordination to the permanent diaconate five years ago. However, there have been times when we have had no idea where Jesus is taking us. Our ministry work has been full of uncertainties, there have been times when we have found ourselves hesitant of our own abilities. Also, like Simon Peter we have fallen at the knees of Jesus fearful that we are not worthy only to hear his voice reassuring us, do not be afraid. We have learnt that a humble and docile heart is a key to becoming an instrument of God to serve others. When we have tried to do things our way, with our own strength, our own intelligence we have felt as if we had worked hard to catch nothing. However, the nets can only be filled with an abundant catch when we let the grace of our Lord Jesus work in us despite our limitations and despite our sinfulness. If Jesus was here calling you to spread His word, wouldn’t you leave everything to follow Him? The Church needs witnesses that can bring the Gospel to those who need it the most. Bringing the Good News to all is not a task reserved for the ordained only. We, all the baptised, are called to share in the Mission right where we are at, at school, kids’ sports, and everyday activities. It is through your example of life, teaching your kids about your faith, or when you bring joy to others that you reveal the face of God and become a fisher of men. It is a trust in knowing that Jesus is in control that makes you a witness to the joy of the Gospel. So when you feel that you are not worthy or when you feel uncertain of where you are going, open your heart and listen to the voice of Jesus that says, Do not be afraid.