Gold Guitar winner pens song for Catholic schools

Gold Guitar winner pens song for Catholic schools
God’s people Gold Guitar winner pens song for Catholic schools

THE hearts of students across Queensland are being captured by a newly created song for Catholic schools.

Titled Catholic Schools in Queensland, the song is a celebration of Queensland’s 300 Catholic schools and will form an important part of 2016 Catholic Education Week celebrations.

Gold Guitar winner Josh Arnold, of production company Small Town Culture, created the song, which was commissioned by all five Queensland dioceses, together with the Queensland Catholic Education Commission.

Josh will tour Queensland, joining students in their varied Catholic Education Week festivities.

The song was recorded with the chamber choir from All Saints Parish Primary School, Albany Creek.

“During the entire week, the voices of Queensland Catholic students will be singing in unison and that’s really a unique experience for boys and girls to be a part of,” Josh said.

“Ours is such a big state and while we are aware of our place within the Church, we are often not aware of our connectedness with the vast number of Catholic schools within Queensland.

“With lyrics such as ‘… from the red dust to the blue sea’, the song strives to convey how we are all united by our faith, and celebrates life-long learning with an emphasis on outstanding educational outcomes and pastoral care.”

During his tour of Brisbane archdiocese, Josh will visit the following primary schools: St Joseph’s in Kangaroo Point; Holy Spirit, New Farm; St Ignatius, Toowong; and All Saints, Albany Creek, then continue his tour of Queensland in the dioceses of Toowoomba, Rockhampton, Townsville and Cairns.

In Brisbane alone, it is estimated that about 90,000 students at more than 150 schools will join in the Catholic Schools in Queensland song as an affirmation of the positive contribution Catholic education has made to the lives of the thousands of Queenslanders who have attended Catholic schools.

Caption: New creation: Golden Guitar winner Josh Arnold, pictured with the All Saints Parish Primary School Chamber Choir, will tour Queensland during Catholic Education Week.