It Is Time – a wish for the Year 12 class of 2022

It Is Time – a wish for the Year 12 class of 2022
God’s people It Is Time – a wish for the Year 12 class of 2022

By Brother Damien Price

It is time!

The carpet of purple petals has now begun to fade – it is time.

It is time to leave the nest, to seek adventure, embrace life – truly live your one beautiful and precious life.

It is time to put away textbooks and blazers – the bleating of the herd and the pimples of adolescence.

Reach for the stars – YOUR stars – and enjoy that journey.

It is time to dream your dreams and, in your dreams, they and them will become your brother and your sister on life’s sacred journey.

It is time – time to swim in mountain streams, plant seeds of hope, learn from pain and mistakes and embrace all that makes you YOU.

It is time – time to embrace your vulnerability, the pathway to meaning and purpose.

It is time – time to leave behind excuses, ‘what ifs’ and ‘why me’s’.

It is time – time to embrace responsibility – YOUR world, your whisper, your voice, your adventure.

It is time – time to ask ‘Why Ukraine?’ and be part of the ‘never again’!

It is time – time to walk ever more gently upon Mother Earth: listen to her seasons; learn from her generosity; know that she, like you, is fragile but holy.

It is time – time to dance until your feet hurt, write that poetry, sing YOUR song and do what is deeply in YOUR heart to do.

It is time – time to name the shallow and the plastic: the vaping; the binge; the powder or pill that is a road to nowhere but despair and compromise. Your noble birthright sold to some dealer in pain.

It is time – time to look into the mirror and love what you see, warts and all.

It is time – time to be all that YOU can be, and more.

It is time – time to trust the journey within that has brought you to this place and to this time.

It is time – time to trust your heart’s longings.

It is time – your time of small steps of courage, small seeds of hope, small moments of beauty.

It is time – time to choose, the road less travelled by, your noble road.

It is time – time to be nothing less and nothing more than YOUR best self.

It is time – one small step at a time, one small choice at a time, each getting up again, each reaching out again, each embracing again, making you the courage, the hope and the gift that this beautiful world so desperately needs!

It is time – YOUR time and your time becomes OUR time, in the family of humanity, the village of planet Earth and a Universe wrapped in love.

It is time – time to KNOW intimate within you, that the mystery that is love, the mystery we call God wraps your time, tickles that dream and that adventure and will smile at every one of your small but precious steps.

Go with that God!

“God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change

Courage to change the things I can and

Wisdom to know the difference!”

“I shall be telling this with a sigh
Somewhere ages and ages hence:
Two roads diverged in a wood, and I—
I took the one less travelled by,
And that has made all the difference.”

Robert Frost

Brother Damien Price is a former teacher in Brisbane schools including St Joseph’s, Gregory Terrace, St Patrick’s College, Shorncliffe, and St Laurence’s College, South Brisbane. He continues to work with schools across the country.