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The Journey of WYD Cross and Icon begins

The Journey of WYD Cross and Icon begins
God’s people Media releases The Journey of WYD Cross and Icon begins

Queensland dioceses’ are counting down the days in eager anticipation of the arrival of the World Youth Day Cross and Icon in August and September.

The WYD Cross and Icon, gifts of the late John Paul II to the young people of the world, finally reached Australian soil on July 1 after a series of wide ranging travels throughout the pacific.

Bishop Brian Finnigan, Chair of the Brisbane WYD Preparatory Committee, was on hand to represent the Archdiocese in Sydney where Cardinal George Pell, the Prime Minister, Mr Howard, and the Premier of NSW, Mr Iemma, officially welcomed the holy gifts to Australia at Sydney airport.

The first Queensland diocese to receive the inspirational icons will be Toowoomba (Aug 8 -16), followed by Brisbane (Aug 17 – 29), Rockhampton (Aug 30 – September 7), Townsville (Sept 8 – 16) and finally Cairns (Sept 17 – 25).

The secular media are inclined to liken the journey of the WYD Cross and Icon to the Olympic Torch relay but the comparison doesn’t bear up, chiefly because the reality of witnessing the WYD Cross and Icon and their effect on people is far more profound.

Queenslanders of all ages are encouraged to take time to connect with the power of the WYD Cross and Icon as the two wind their way through a host of deanery, parish, school and civic events.

For those unable to make the pilgrimage to Sydney, Pope Benedict the XVI and his predecessor John Paul are using these icons as proxies to connect with you, and to join you with countless of your sisters and brothers throughout the world who have carried it as a symbol of Christ’s love for all humanity.

To find out more about the Journey of the Cross and Icon throughout the Brisbane Archdiocese and those events happening closest to you visit the Brisbane WYD website