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Launch of Come Holy Spirit prayer campaign

Launch of Come Holy Spirit prayer campaign
God’s people Media releases Launch of Come Holy Spirit prayer campaign

The start of the ‘Come Holy Spirit’ Prayer Campaign – a significant event in the life of the Brisbane Archdiocese – took place on Friday, July 22.

The prayer campaign seeks renewal of the archdiocese by calling down the power of the Holy Spirit. It will be launched by Archbishop Bathersby with a Mass at St Stephen’s Cathedral to coincide with the feast of St Mary Magdalene.

The Archbishop has placed the campaign under her patronage, in part because he wants to reclaim her place as a witness of the resurrection, but also because she was a person who knew the struggles of life and experienced conversion.

The idea for the campaign was strongly influenced by the late Pope John Paul II, who prayed to the Holy Spirit in similar fashion in Poland in 1979. The effectiveness of his prayer campaign is now part of history.

Speaking at an earlier prayer gathering on April 23, Archbishop Bathersby said he saw no reason an equivalent event occurring in Brisbane would not find similar results.

“Why can’t we literally storm heaven asking God through the power of the Holy Spirit to renew the Archdiocese, to unleash the Holy Spirit like a new Pentecost,” Archbishop Bathersby said.

“This could happen if the hearts and the minds of people believe in it and are open to the Holy Spirit’s movement.”

The renewal the Archbishop seeks is both internal and external. For the life of the archdiocese he would like to see more vocations to the priesthood and religious life, and lay people becoming more passionate and committed to their faith and the Church.

For the wider society he prays it will afford the local Church greater opportunity to connect with people; to invite those outside a faith tradition into a deeper knowledge and experience of Jesus.

A collection of prayers, thoughts and ideas that respond to the Archbishop’s invitation to join the campaign are available at

Released by the Catholic Communications Office