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Message from Archbishop Coleridge in response to floods in Queensland

Message from Archbishop Coleridge in response to floods in Queensland
God’s people Archbishop Mark Coleridge Message from Archbishop Coleridge in response to floods in Queensland

We have all been moved by the floods and the human suffering that they have brought.  Two years ago, I saw the floods from afar on TV and in newspapers.  But the anxiety and the pain cut more deeply now that I live where the floods have hit.  I think particularly of those who have suffered a second time in two years.  That is truly heart-breaking.  It is worse still for families who have lost loved ones.  May the Lord give eternal rest to those who have died and peace to those who mourn them.

Again the floods are an urgent call upon our generosity.  Financially, these are not easy times for many, but I ask you to make a sacrifice in support of those who have suffered so much.  All support should be directed to the St Vincent de Paul Society who will coordinate our relief efforts as they did so well two years ago.  Envelopes will go into the parishes this weekend to assist donations.  I have also asked that $20,000 be sent from the Archdiocese of Brisbane to the Diocese of Rockhampton which has been so badly hit, especially in Bundaberg and Gladstone.

In addition to providing material support, the Church also has the responsibility of providing spiritual support.  I ask the entire Archdiocese to pray for the communities, families and individuals who have been struck by the cyclone and the floods.  I conclude with the Missal’s special Collect in time of flood:  “Look upon us, O God, and see the floods that devastate the earth; grant , we pray, hope to our troubled hearts and new life to the damaged land.  Through Christ our Lord.  Amen”


Archbishop Mark Coleridge

29 January 2013