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National Migrant and Refugee Sunday

National Migrant and Refugee Sunday
God’s people Media releases National Migrant and Refugee Sunday

On Sunday 25 August at 2pm at St Stephen’s Cathedral Brisbane, the ethnic community of Brisbane will celebrate National Migrant and Refugee Sunday 2002 at a multicultural Mass.

More than 30 ethnic communications will be represented at the Mass.

The celebration will begin with an entrance procession of representatives of ethnic communities wearing national dress.

The event is being organised by the Ethnic Communities Deanery of the Archdiocese of Brisbane.

Concelebrants at the Mass will include the Chaplains and Priests ministering to ethnic communities.

The principal concelebrant will be Rev Joseph Oudeman, OFM Cap who is the Dean of the Ethnic Communities.

Media are welcome to attend and photograph the celebration.

Released by Catholic Communications Office Brisbane.