Pentecost heralds new ways of communications outreach to young people

Pentecost heralds new ways of communications outreach to young people
God’s people Media releases Pentecost heralds new ways of communications outreach to young people

In the same week the Vatican unveiled , Brisbane’s Catholic Archbishop John Bathersby is also availing himself of newer forms of communication in order to reach out to young people.

On Pentecost Sunday, the Archbishop launched the “Come, Walk in the Light” initiative, addressed to all who minister to young people (aged 12 – 30 years) in Catholic settings, and designed to support and grow the faith of young people throughout the Brisbane Archdiocese.

The initiative commenced with the Archbishop’s pastoral message to young people being released in digital form, downloadable from the archdiocesan website and soon to be posted on various social networking sites such as YouTube.

At the core of “Come, Walk in the Light” is Archbishop Bathersby’s invitation to Catholic young people to:

  • CONNECT with the message of Jesus through the Church
  • GROW in the knowledge and love of Jesus
  • CHOOSE to respond to the call of Jesus to become part of his mission in the world
  • GO out on mission every day

“Come, Walk in the Light” represents the next phase of Archdiocesan support for evangelisation and ministry with young people, carrying them through from mid-2009 to the next World Youth Day in Madrid in 2011.

Auxiliary Bishop for Brisbane, Bishop Brian V Finnigan, who is liaison bishop with the Brisbane Archdiocesan Commission for Ministry with Young People, said the initiative aimed to build on the enormous enthusiasm created by Sydney’s World Youth Day 2008.

“Come, Walk in the light addresses all who minister to young people – parishes, ethnic communities, schools, youth groups and movements” Bishop Finnigan said.

“The initiative asks those involved to use methods that are appropriate to each setting and the particular charisms and traditions that are vital to the life of each setting.

“It’s about building on the opportunities and experiences of the last three years, both before and after World Youth Day.”

Copies of “Come, Walk in the Light” will be sent to parishes, ethnic communities, youth groups and movements, schools and tertiary campuses in the weeks following Pentecost.
Released by The Catholic Communications Office with chief reporting by The Catholic Leader

May 31, 2009