Archbishop Mark Coleridge released a podcast series titled “The Navel of the Earth: Jerusalem in Time, Theology, and Imagination.” This series promises to be a unique exploration of Jerusalem’s profound significance in both religious and cultural contexts.
The podcast delved into various themes, including the historical events that have shaped Jerusalem, its theological implications, and its enduring impact on the imagination of believers throughout the ages. Listeners can expect a blend of storytelling, theological reflection, and personal anecdotes that will illuminate Jerusalem’s multifaceted identity. Given Archbishop Mark’s extensive experience and deep understanding of scripture and church history, this series is not just informative but also deeply enriching.
Podcast on Jerusalem
Six episode series
Enjoy Archbishop Mark Coleridge's a podcast series titled “The Navel of the Earth: Jerusalem in Time, Theology, and Imagination.”
Episode 6: Hope Amidst Conflict in Jerusalem
09 Dec 2024Podcast By Archbishop Mark Coleridge – The Navel of the Earth: Jerusalem in time, theology and imagination.
Episode 5: Vision of the New Jerusalem
02 Dec 2024Podcast By Archbishop Mark Coleridge – The Navel of the Earth: Jerusalem in time, theology and imagination.
Episode 4: Jerusalem in Theology and Imagination
25 Nov 2024Podcast By Archbishop Mark Coleridge – The Navel of the Earth: Jerusalem in time, theology and imagination.
Episode 3: Jerusalem in Time and Place
18 Nov 2024Podcast By Archbishop Mark Coleridge – The Navel of the Earth: Jerusalem in time, theology and imagination.
Episode 2: Crisis and Renewal in Jerusalem
11 Nov 2024Podcast By Archbishop Mark Coleridge – The Navel of the Earth: Jerusalem in time, theology and imagination.
Episode 1: The Birth of Jerusalem
04 Nov 2024Podcast By Archbishop Mark Coleridge – The Navel of the Earth: Jerusalem in time, theology and imagination.