Professor John Fraser presents to the Assembly of Catholic Professionals

Professor John Fraser presents to the Assembly of Catholic Professionals
God’s people Professor John Fraser presents to the Assembly of Catholic Professionals

Professor John Fraser is a loving husband, a father of five, has countless medical research papers published in his name and is the pre-eminent staff specialist in intensive care at the Prince Charles Hospital Critical Care Research Group.

Watch this video to hear Professor Fraser talk about what it’s like to grow up in a Catholic family in a sectarian part of Glasgow, how he met his future wife travelling by bus in Australia – and decided to marry her before the end of the trip, his humanitarian work in developing countries, and his greatest achievement so far – the world’s first artificial heart, BiVACOR. Interview with Michael Crutcher, General Manager of Archdiocese of Brisbane Communications (former editor The Courier Mail), Assembly of Catholic Professionals, 28 April 2016.