St Agatha’s students play in a changing world this Under Eights Week

St Agatha’s students play in a changing world this Under Eights Week
God’s people St Agatha’s students play in a changing world this Under Eights Week

St Agatha’s Primary School students enjoying playing outdoors.

This week Prep to Year 2 students at St Agatha’s Primary School, Clayfield have swapped classroom learning for playing in nature, and outdoor exploration, as part of this years Under Eights Week celebrations (16-22 May).

The BCE School took this year’s theme ‘play in a changing world’ to new heights with students celebrating the week by decorating cookies, doing crafts, playing sporting games, making stress balls, water colour paintings, and playing in nature.

St Agatha’s Primary School Principal Anne-Marie Maw said this Under Eights Week her students are embracing play as an important pathway for children’s learning.

“This Under Eights Week our students will explore their ‘courageous hearts,’ as they enjoy outdoor activities and nature play,” Principal Maw said.

“As a community we’re taking time this Under Eights Week to reflect and celebrate the importance of early years learning and explore what it means to ‘play in a changing world.’

“Throughout the pandemic life for our students changed so much and nature play is one way our students can celebrate the world around them, while also getting active, building skills and independence.

“At St Agatha’s we encourage and support student creativity and problem solving through play, which enhances cognitive functioning of our students, and improves academic performances.

“Play isn’t just for fun, it is actually a very important part of schooling, and while it’s exciting for our students, it is actually a very healthy part of childhood and growing up.

“At St Agatha’s we really advocate for the importance of Under Eights Week as we have seen such success with celebrating students in this learning phase.

“Those early childhood years go so quickly, and it’s a real opportunity for our school community to stop and reflect on the importance of our students under eight.”

Under Eights Week has been running for 60 years across Queensland, with children from day care, schools, playgroups, and communities being celebrated this week for being under eight years old.

For more information about St Agatha’s Primary School, Clayfield click here.