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Statement RE: Cardinal George Pell

Statement RE: Cardinal George Pell
God’s people Media releases Statement RE: Cardinal George Pell

On Monday Archbishop Denis Hart issued a statement about Cardinal
George Pell, which he subsequently spoke to in interviews. We endorse
those comments.

We know Cardinal Pell well from working with him over many years in
different capacities. He is a man of integrity who is committed to the truth
and to helping others, particularly those who have been hurt or who are
struggling. His style can be robust and direct; he does not wear his heart
on his sleeve. But underneath he has a big heart for people.

Cardinal Pell was one of the first bishops in the world to put in place a
comprehensive Church response to investigate allegations of sexual abuse
by Catholic clergy and to provide survivors with redress and counselling.
He has responded to criticisms that have been made of his handling of
these matters over the years, acknowledged mistakes frankly, and
apologised for them.

We appreciate the Cardinal’s strong and unfailing support for the
important work of the Royal Commission and his constant readiness to
assist the Royal Commission whenever he is asked to do so.

Archbishop Mark Coleridge, Archbishop of Brisbane
Archbishop Timothy Costelloe SDB, Archbishop of Perth
Archbishop Anthony Fisher OP, Archbishop of Sydney
Archbishop Julian Porteous, Archbishop of Hobart
Archbishop Christopher Prowse, Archbishop of Canberra-Goulburn
Bishop Peter Comensoli, Bishop of Broken Bay
Bishop Terence Brady, Auxiliary Bishop of Sydney