The Holy Trinity

The Holy Trinity
God’s people The Holy Trinity

The Holy Trinity is a fundamental truth that is very important to our faith as Christians. The Trinity is an important doctrine that helps to affirm the triune nature of God and helps to explain that there is one God who exists in three Persons as the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.

Each Person of the Trinity is distinct and yet fully God, this could be appreciated and likened to water existing in three forms whether it’s a liquid, frozen, or steam. The three persons of the Trinity are one in essence and united in purpose, vision, and mission .

After the fall of man as detailed in the book of Genesis chapter 3, man was separated from God but the three persons of the Trinity worked together in planning and executing the project of reconciling us back to God.

The doctrine of the Trinity is accomplished by the coming of God Himself into the world. God the Father, our creator and source, is the planner of redeeming humanity, He sent His Son into the world. The Son implements the plan by dying for us on the cross. Jesus the Son and the Father sent the Holy Spirit (Comforter, Advocate, Counsellor, Helper) to teach and guide us, to testify and administer the plan in order to bear witness to our world and make more disciples for God.

The message of the Trinity is unity, love, and most importantly multiplying the number of disciples through the gospel of salvation. The Lord wants us to be united and advance this as an individual, family, and as an organization. No family or organization or nation will stand if they are divided .

As we have one God in three persons functioning uniquely and perfectly, our families, organization, and the nation, in general, can achieve this regardless of our diversity by believing and embracing the doctrine and concept of the Trinity to produce an environment where different people can work cohesively as one towards achieving a common goal and making our homes, work places and the environment a better place to live.