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The torch is passed to a new leader at Rosies Youth Mission

The torch is passed to a new leader at Rosies Youth Mission
God’s people Media releases The torch is passed to a new leader at Rosies Youth Mission

After ten years as Managing Director, Mr Bob Boardman has stepped down as head of the Gold Coast based Rosies Youth Mission.

Mr Boardman handed over the reigns to the new Managing Director, John Dougherty, 23, at the end of November.

“I’ve had a wonderful 10 years with Rosies and have had the privilege of watching it blossom, but it is now time to move on,” Mr Boardman said.

“In that time I have met some truly inspiring people.

“I leave Rosies knowing that I have given it my best and am confident that John will steer this organization towards continued success in future years,” he said.

Rosies Youth Mission is an outreach ministry that caters to homeless youth, those involved in court proceedings or sentenced to time in juvenile or prison detention.

John Dougherty spent his late teens and early twenties as a volunteer with Rosies.

“The Rosies philosophy, of providing a ministry of presence to those who are in need, is a simple yet challenging concept,” Mr Dougherty said.

“We are not trying to ‘save’ these people, but rather to act as their friends.

“We accept them for who they are and where they are at in life’s journey over a cup of tea or coffee and it’s brilliant,” he said.

John is well familiar with the practices of Rosies, not only through his volunteer work, but through schooling and his own family connections.

John’s own uncle was responsible for the starting of the Mission in Queensland, back in 1987.

In addition, John was educated at Iona College, a school run by the Missionary Oblates of Mary Immaculate, the same order that started the original Rosies Youth Mission in Victoria.

“Going to Iona and learning of Eugene de Mazenod’s commitment to those who are in need has strongly influenced my life,” Mr Dougherty said.

“It’s amazing that I met my wife to be when we were volunteering at Rosies, and now three years on, Rosies has changed the path that my wife and I are on again.

“By bringing us back to the coast and family and friends, and most importantly to a job that is strongly connected with my Christianity, Rosies has had a huge impact on my life.

“I just hope I can do half as good a job as Bob has done,” he said.