Tuckshop menu takes on new flavour

Tuckshop menu takes on new flavour
God’s people Tuckshop menu takes on new flavour

The tuckshop menu at Good Shepherd Catholic Primary School, Springfield Lakes, has taken on a new flavour with chef David Pilgrim, pictured, at the helm.

Mr Pilgrim, a parent at the school, has more than 16 years’ experience as a chef, mainly in a la carte restaurants.

In 2016, he took on the responsibility of running the Mercy Hospitality Centre (tuckshop) at Good Shepherd.

In Term 3, he worked alongside teachers and a number of Year 5 students in the Food Technologies Strand of the Technologies Curriculum (ACARA).

Together they planned, prepared, cooked and served more than 100 meals on the last day of term.

Principal Judith Seery said the students prepared the entire menu for the school day, both morning tea and lunch.

“Along with a variety of fruit, students prepared gluten free sultana muffins and cocoa rock cakes for morning tea,” she said.

“Lunch consisted of honey soy chicken kebabs, sausages and a garden salad.”

She said some of the produce in the salad came from the gardens at Good Shepherd, which were also planned and developed by students.