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Why I pray to God

Why I pray to God
God’s people Why I pray to God

3 local Catholics on why they pray to God.

Thank you to:

  • Paul Antenucci
  • Steph Unger
  • Jo Hayes


No matter who we are, we have a lot of questions throughout life. There is never a time when we have all the answers. Nobody ever has.

Prayer can be a conversation with God – to say sorry, to say thank you and to ask for guidance.

I talk to God for the exact same reasons that I talk to my friends and family. Not because I want something, but because I want to share my life with God. I want to include God everything, share the joke that made me laugh today, share what made me cry or what made me frustrated.

I know that God is walking beside me every step of the way whether I realise it or not, so when I pray, really I’m just having a chat to my most loyal and trusted companion.

My experience is that prayer is powerful. Prayer changes things. Prayer is about opening our lives to the love of our all powerful God, who is capable of transforming and restoring situations and lives.

I need, and want, the power of our all-capable, all-loving God, working in my life. It is easy to be stressed with life’s big questions, but if we ask God what He thinks we should do and look for direction through the people and opportunities that God puts in our lives, we can receive peace that surpasses all understanding.