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At Confirmation, we renew our baptismal promises in preparation for First Communion.

God’s word Confirmation

The Sacrament of Confirmation completes Baptism. It is about renewing your baptismal promises and receiving a special outpouring of the Holy Spirit before receiving Communion for the first time.

Children are eligible to receive Confirmation from the year when they turn eight.

The Rite of Confirmation includes a Renewal of Baptismal Promises, Laying on of Hands and Prayer of Invocation of the Holy Spirit, and an anointing on the forehead with the Oil of Chrism.

Confirmation is the sacrament which ‘seals’ or ‘reaffirms’ our Baptism before we take the final step in becoming a full member of the Catholic Church – sharing in Holy Communion for the first time.

Local parishes offer programmes to help parents and carers prepare their children for the sacrament. Liturgy Brisbane also has a resource available to help you family plan to receive the sacrament of confirmation.