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Our Archdiocese
Our Archdiocese
A community strong in faith and committed to the common good. A community where God’s work, word and people are present every day.
Archbishop Mark Coleridge
Careers and Volunteering
Cathedral of St Stephen
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God’s word
God’s word
Empowered by the Gospel, Catholic communities come together to worship God, listen to God’s word and share together God’s life.
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God’s work
God’s work
Across parishes, workplaces, schools and other places of care, our communities grow the mission God gives us here on Earth.
Community Services
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Laudato Si
Reconciliation Action Plan
Modern Slavery Plan
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Vocation Brisbane
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Brisbane Catholic Professionals
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God’s people
God’s people
Our church is forever changing, with new people, who bring new purpose and power to our communities.
Inspiring stories
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Archbishop Mark Coleridge
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Brisbane Catholic Professionals
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Parishes & Mass times
Parishes and Mass times
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Archbishop’s Office
Archdiocese of Brisbane Office – Archbishop’s Office.
Archdiocese of Brisbane
Our Archdiocese
Archbishop’s Office
Our Archdiocese
Archbishop Mark Coleridge
Archdiocesan Patron
Careers and Volunteering
Cathedral of St Stephen
History of the Archdiocese
Mass live stream
Office Listing
Organisation Structure
Pastoral Councils Support
Supports for Clergy and Religious
The Catholic Leader
Visiting Clergy and Religious
Where We Are