Find a Catholic Mass or service Author: Archdiocese of Brisbane Locate Catholic Mass or service times by entering as many details below as needed. View the web cast Mass schedule. Suburb or postcode: Search radius: 5 km 10 km 30 km 50 km 100 km Date: Format: dd-mm-yyyy At or after time: Any time 05:00am 05:30am 06:00am 06:30am 07:00am 07:30am 08:00am 08:30am 09:00am 09:30am 10:00am 10:30am 11:00am 11:30am Midday 12:30pm 01:00pm 01:30pm 02:00pm 02:30pm 03:00pm 03:30pm 04:00pm 04:30pm 05:00pm 05:30pm 06:00pm 06:30pm 07:00pm 07:30pm 08:00pm 08:30pm 09:00pm 09:30pm 10:00pm 10:30pm 11:00pm 11:30pm Midnight 12:30am 01:00am 01:30am 02:00am 02:30am 03:00am 03:30am 04:00am 04:30am Filter: Show all Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament Family Mass Reconciliation 1st Rite Reconciliation 2nd Rite Youth led Mass Language: Any language Arabic Aramaic English Filipino Indonesian Italian Korean Latin Malayalam (Indian) Polish Portuguese Spanish Swahili Ukrainian Vietnamese Maximum results: 10 30 Sort results by: Distance Time