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Supports for Clergy and Religious

The Archdiocese of Brisbane is deeply committed to caring for our clergy and religious, just as they care for us.

Supports for Clergy and Religious
Our Archdiocese Supports for Clergy and Religious

From baptism to the administering of the last rites, our clergy are there with us celebrating and supporting us through the challenges of everyday and the joy and sadness of life’s major milestones. 

Much like a family member, they are there for us in good times and in bad. 

Given the special role of our clergy and religious in supporting all of God’s people, support for them, is in turn, essential to the work of the Archbishop and the broader archdiocese. 

The Clergy Support Office attends to the spiritual and physical well-being of all diocesan clergy, whether they are retired or active, sick or on leave. 

For active clergy this could take the form of ongoing formation to assist with their pastoral leadership in the parishes. For retired clergy, it can mean ensuring they have their medical and housing needs addressed and are able to live securely in a dignified retirement. 

The Director of Clergy Life and Ministry accompanies and supports our priests and deacons through these phases of life. 

The Archdiocese of Brisbane is also blessed by the generous commitment of many women and men religious living out of their particular charism within its boundaries. They contribute greatly to the richness of the spiritual life and ministry of the diocese through their witness, prayer and oblations (work). 

The Vicar for Religious serves as the Archbishop’s delegate to interact with these women and men, be it from religious orders (Institutes of Consecrated Life) or in communities (Societies of Apostolic Life). 

By serving in a similar way to an ombudsman, the Vicar for Religious meets with individual religious and their superiors and either dialogues or assists on matters which are likely to affect the exercise of their ministry.