BCE staff prepare for World Youth Day pilgrimage

BCE staff prepare for World Youth Day pilgrimage
God’s people BCE staff prepare for World Youth Day pilgrimage

In August 2023, up to 21 BCE staff aged under 35 will journey to Lisbon Portugal, for a 16-day pilgrimage as part of the World Youth Day celebrations (WYD).

WYD is a worldwide encounter with the Pope celebrated about every three years in a different country. 

BCE Executive Director Dr Sally Towns will be leading the 2023 BCE pilgrimage group and described it as an opportunity for BCE staff to personally experience the universality of the Catholic Church.   

“This is truly a unique experience offered to our people and one which aligns with our mission to be faith-filled learning communities,” she said.   

“Through prayer and the sacraments, BCE employees will go on a journey alongside hundreds of thousands of other pilgrims who share their interests, ambitions, and faith.  

“It’s an opportunity for our staff to connect with Christ and get to know others.”   

The Executive Director also reflected on her role on the pilgrimage.   

“I know World Youth Day will not only deepen my faith but allow me to grow closer to Christ,” she said.   

“I’m looking forward to strengthening my bonds with those employees who help shape the lives of BCE students, nurture individuals, and encourage each student to realise their full potential.   

“As Pope Francis said in 2015, ‘an education in the fullness of humanity should be a defining feature of Catholic schools and we see this as being an identifiable characteristic at the heart of our Brisbane Catholic Education communities.”