“Although the floods strike sometime ago, friends of Queensland are still suffering from the effects therefore assistance must be sought to support them,” said Mr. Francis Kasiano, coordinator of Auki catholic men’s group fundraising committee.
In April a fundraising drive codenamed Helpem Fren (Help a Friend) was launched in Auki to raise funds to assist victims of the floods in Queensland earlier this year. The fundraising drive was launched by the premier of Malaita, Hon. Edwin Suibaea.
Whilst acknowledging the initiative by Auki catholic men’s group, Premier Suibaea urged all Malaitans and residents of Auki town to support the fundraising efforts. “Come out with good hearts and support this worthy cause,” he said.
“It was common knowledge that Malaita (in the Solomon Islands) had long time ties with Queensland as our people had lived there, worked there, died there whilst some returned,” said the Premier. In declaring the fundraisings open, Premier Suibaea pledged his government’s contribution of $5,000.
Since its launch four weeks ago, various activities were carried out to raise the funds. These include wheel barrow drives, card games, individual and family donations and Easter Sunday church collection. All fundraising activities come to an end with the Easter Monday Fun run.
More than $16,000 was the total amount raised which was handed over to Fr. Moses Ou’ou, the vicar general of the Diocese of Auki on Sunday 1st May 2011 at St. Augustine’s Cathedral. Fr. Moses will arrange for the money to be sent to the Bishop of the diocese of Brisbane, Australia
The organizing committee thanked Premier Suibaea for accepting the invitation to be guest of honour at the launching ceremony. Our Telekom Company was acknowledged for sponsoring prizes for the Fun run on Easter Monday. Bishop Chris Cardone was thanked for his usual support, RAMSI for providing T-shirts for the launching, Auki police traffic control, students of Aligegeo secondary school for helping out, vehicle drivers, general public of Auki for contributions and good behavior during the launching and the Easter Monday Fun run.
Released by William Toli
Catholic Communications in the Auki Diocese
May 24, 2011