Let’s Talk about Lent with Fr Will and Sr Theresa

Let’s Talk about Lent with Fr Will and Sr Theresa
God’s people Let’s Talk about Lent with Fr Will and Sr Theresa

Lent is a time of conversion and penance that the Catholic Church offers to believers to prepare for and live the Easter triduum — the mystery of the passion, death, and resurrection of Jesus. It is a time of spiritual renewal, a chance to direct our hearts and minds to live our radical discipleship.

As we begin the spiritual journey towards the Easter triduum, each week we invite you to create space to hear God’s voice and delve in the significant meaning of Lent and its symbols through Fr Will and Sr Theresa Maria.

So, join us in this Lent series, as we prepare our hearts to reflect on the mystery of the passion, death, and resurrection of Jesus.

Episodes available now:

  1. Episode 1 – What is the meaning of Lent?
  2. Episode 2 – Preparing for Lent
  3. Episode 3 – Why do we need to give up something for Lent?
  4. Episode 4 – What should we do when Lent gets hard?
  5. Episode 5 – Empty tomb
  6. Episode 6 – What were your Easter traditions?
  7. Episode 7 – The Easter Bunny and Easter Eggs.