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Safeguarding Training

Safeguarding training for Archdiocesan personnel, including clergy, employees and volunteers.

Safeguarding Training
Safeguarding Safeguarding Training

The Archdiocese of Brisbane has two safeguarding training modules.

Below are links to access the training modules online.

IMPORTANT – Archdiocesan clergy and employees will be allocated the relevant safeguarding training via the internal Arch e-Learn online training system. Training completed by Archdiocesan clergy and employees via this website will not be recognised for compliance.

Visiting clergy and religious are required to complete the Safeguarding Training module depending upon the nature of their work/ministry within the Archdiocese and duration of their visit.

Safeguarding Essentials

The Safeguarding Essentials module provides an overview of how safeguarding is undertaken in the Archdiocese. It is for those individuals who do not work directly with children or adults-at-risk. The module takes about 20 minutes to view.

Safeguarding Training

The Safeguarding Training module provides an in-depth examination of the Archdiocesan approach to safeguarding and explores best safeguarding practice and legal obligations.

New Laws to Protect Children from Sexual Abuse

The Queensland Government has implemented new laws to increase the protection of children from sexual abuse and which place new legal obligations on all adults in Queensland. It is important that all Archdiocesan volunteers have an understanding of those legal obligations.

Click on the below link to watch a short presentation on the new laws. The presentation aims to raise awareness of the laws, and the process for reporting child sexual abuse suspicions that arise while working for the Archdiocese.

Integrity in our Common Mission – National Code of Conduct

Integrity in our Common Mission is the National Code of Conduct for individuals exercising pastoral ministry in the dioceses of the Catholic Church in Australia. The code was approved by the Australian Catholic Bishops Conference in late 2023 and is now in effect.

The code applies to bishops, priests, deacons, seminarians, religious and lay men and women who exercise a pastoral ministry in the name of a diocese, its parishes, ministries, services or agencies. The pastoral ministry may be by appointment or voluntary role.

Confirmation of Completion

A Confirmation of Completion form must be submitted to register completion of the training.

Online – Confirmation of Safeguarding Training Completion form

Alternatively a hardcopy ‘Safeguarding Training – Confirmation of Completion Form’ can be downloaded by clicking on the below link. Once the form is completed it will need to be verified (signed) by the relevant parish, ministry or service and then recorded in the Archdiocesan information system.

IMPORTANT – Completed safeguarding training that is not properly registered will not be recognised for compliance.

Hardcopy – Confirmation of Safeguarding Training Completion form

Training Feedback

Feedback on safeguarding training is welcomed. Below is a link to an online training evaluation form.

Online – Safeguarding Training Evaluation form

Alternatively, submit your feedback via email to the Office of Safeguarding Services by email to