An introduction to Catholic First Holy Communion for children – the sacrament that completes the process of Christian initiation, begun in Baptism and Confirmation.
Everything you need to know about Sacraments of Initiation can be found at the Flame of Faith website.
- Transcript
Author: Archdiocese of Brisbane
Eucharist is the sacrament that completes the process of Christian initiation, begun in Baptism and Confirmation.When we make our first Holy Communion we participate fully in the Eucharist for the first time, however this gift, the Body and Blood of Christ, is offered to us every Sunday, as nourishment for our lives.
The celebration of Eucharist or Mass, commences with the entrance song and procession of the priest and ministers to the altar.
As always we make the sign of the cross and the priest greets us, reminding us that the Lord is amongst us when we gather together as God’s people.
“In the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit.”
During mass we listen to scripture. In the proclamation of the word God speaks to us through the New and Old Testament.
The Gospel is read by the priest. In the Gospel we hear the words of Jesus.
Later in his homily the priest helps us to understand God’s word more fully.
“And in today’s Gospel Jesus says: I am the Bread of Life and whoever eats it will never be hungry. Dear friends, we all live in a world of hunger – it’s a hungry world! And we try our best to satisfy our hunger. So the problem is not that we are hungry but what kind of bread we are eating. Are you seeking the bread given by God? Or are you seeking the God who gives us bread?”
As a community we make a profession of faith through the creed.
We then pray for the needs of the Church and the world through the Prayers of the Faithful.
“We pray to the Lord”.
“Hear our prayer”.The gifts of bread and wine are brought forward. These symbolise our work and our lives, our whole self that we are offering to God.
A prayer called the Eucharistic Prayer, is prayed over these gifts and through the power of the Holy Spirit, the bread and the wine become the Body and Blood of Christ.
As we prepare to come forward to the table of the Lord, we pray together the Our Father and offer each other a sign of God’s peace.
Every Sunday we are invited forward to receive the Body and Blood of Christ however this is a special moment for those making their First Holy Communion as they share in this communal meal God gave us for the first time.
The end of Eucharist is marked by a final blessing from the priest and a dismissal where the community are sent forth to continue the work of the Lord.